Anyone with “Lean Manufacturing” experience will know the term “SMART Goals” and all it entails. I however have reinvented it and added the “ER”. Hence, SMARTER. The acronym SMART refers to; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. I studied this practice for several years. Which culminated with me attending Villanova (remotely) and attaining my “Lean Sensei” certification and status within the Lean community.
Like all things, it needs to evolve. So I added the ER which stands for, “Evolution of (your) Relevance”. Once you reach the end of leaning out a process, or in this case an individual. The (or their) Relevance changes. As it should. Nobody or no-thing should remain in the same state of being as they then become stagnant and would inevitably lose the gains made. Whether that be weight, time etc..
For a quick example. You start working on your bench press. You work on your form and have a goal weight in mind that you want to achieve. It takes a few weeks or perhaps months, but you finally get there. Do you stop and walk away in triumph? Of course not. You set a new goal. Perhaps on the same modality. Or you pick another and go for it. You’re EVOLVING and your RELEVANCE has changed and will continue to. See how that works?
So, there you have it. A concept that like all other things has evolved. And it will continue to do so until the end of time. We are not meant to reach a goal and sit on that hill. We look across towards the horizon and there’s always another hill to climb. Let’s go get it! Let’s evolve together and enjoy the hell out of the trip. I know I will. Join me won’t you?
Stay tuned as there’ll be a lot more material forthcoming on this very subject. For, as the relevance changes…so will the dialogue. Please be sure to share and leave any thoughts you have on this or any subject. We’re all in this together.